How Should I Store My Lash Adhesive?
STORE ADHESIVE OUT OF DIRECT SUNLIGHT. Storing at low temperatures slows down the chemical reaction that causes cyanoacrylate based adhesives to age and will extend their shelf life.
After Opening we recommend storing your adhesive upright in a cool, dark place out of direct sunlight inside it’s ziplock pack along with the silica gel. A cool cupboard or drawer is ideal.
If you’re concerned that the adhesive may be exposed to high temperatures (above 30c) you can store the adhesive upright in the fridge again after use, however the lid must be sealed tight and the adhesive placed back inside the ziplock packet along with the silica gel. It’s extremely important that everything is sealed tight to ensure the adhesive isn’t exposed to the moisture from the fridge as this will rapidly degrade the performance of your adhesive. As an extra precaution you can also store the pack inside an airtight container as well.
Please allow ample time (at least 30 minutes) for the adhesive to get back to room temperature before an appointment.
After dispensing glue ensure that the nozzle is wiped with either foil or sponge to prevent any excess adhesive building up, which will prevent the cap from sealing properly and expose the adhesive to moisture.
Never wipe the nozzle with anything containing natural fibres such as cotton or wool (these can create a fire hazard) or alcohol which may react with the adhesive and cause a blockage in the nozzle.
How Long Will My Adhesives Keep For?
We buy fresh batches of adhesive every month straight from our manufacturers and direct off the production line so that when they reach you they should be no more than 40 days from manufacture.
This means that if stored correctly the adhesives will have a minimum shelf life of 6 months but can potentially last for up to 10 months.
Once opened adhesives start to degrade around the 1 month mark so it’s recommended you change your adhesive at this point. Never use an opened adhesive beyond 2 months.
Will Temperature & Humidity Levels Affect My Adhesive?
Yes, but first things first… Don’t worry about humidity levels unless you work in a room where you are physically uncomfortable. The recommended humidity levels you find on adhesives refer to ‘Relative Humidity’ and not ‘Actual Humidity’. Relative Humidity is complicated and generally unnecessary to gauge.
Humidity CAN impact the performance of your adhesive, however in any climate controlled indoor area it simply shouldn’t be a factor when it comes to the performance of a cyanoacrylate based adhesive.
Temperature is also an important factor when it comes to the performance of your adhesive, but as long as you’re operating within the recommended range for your adhesive you shouldn’t see any impact on it’s performance.
Operating outside of the recommended temperatures settings can result in changes to the curing time of your adhesive and the viscosity (how thick or runny it is).
All Lash Mami Pro branded adhesives come with a recommended temperature range so please ensure your salon is operating within the recommended ranges and that you follow the instructions carefully (especially shaking the adhesive well) for optimal performance.